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Welcome to Fernz Fitness

Take your Training and Nutrition to the next level

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About Fernz Fitness

Fernz Fitness provides personalized training and nutrition plans, based on your needs, your goals and your lifestyle.


Using the same program for everyone, is like trying to fit everyone at the same jeans.


And that is impossible!


So, here on Fernz Fitness, the goal is to help people take their training and nutrition to the next level and unleash their ultimate physique.


I am extremely passionate about this!


There are no pseudoscience and gym myths here. Only straight facts.


Yes you can eat carbs at night and lose fat, you can gain muscles with high reps, you can lose fat and get shredded with low reps, you can eat sugar, you can eat sodium, you can eat white bread, you can build big legs without performing BB Squats if they don’t fit you, so on and so forth.

In general, you can do many more things than you may hear around, and still achieve your goals!


So, if you are ready to 


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